
KUTVCBS2provideslocalnews,weatherforecasts,trafficupdates,noticesofeventsanditemsofinterestinthecommunity,sportsandentertainment ...,KUTVCBS2provideslocalnews,weatherforecasts,trafficupdates,noticesofeventsanditemsofinterestinthecommunity,sportsandentertainment ...,WendyHalloran.5872likes·8talkingaboutthis.Nationalaward-winninginvestigativereporterfocusedonholdingthepowerfulaccountable.,Fullti...

Salt Lake City 2News Investigates

KUTV CBS 2 provides local news, weather forecasts, traffic updates, notices of events and items of interest in the community, sports and entertainment ...

Salt Lake City 2News Investigates

KUTV CBS 2 provides local news, weather forecasts, traffic updates, notices of events and items of interest in the community, sports and entertainment ...

Wendy Halloran

Wendy Halloran. 5872 likes · 8 talking about this. National award-winning investigative reporter focused on holding the powerful accountable.

Darby Sparks - Investigative Reporter

Full time Investigative Reporter for the Special Projects team at KUTV, a CBS affiliate in Salt Lake City, Utah · Investigative reporter and weekend anchor ...